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Friday, 28 October 2011

Lizzie Velasquez. Can't Gain Weight.

Jupitter News _ Lizzie Velasquez is a 21 year-old college student from Austin, Texas who has an unexplained disease that doesn't allow her to gain weight. She's never weighed more than 64 pounds despite the fact that she eats numerous high-calorie meals all day long to keep up her energy. Doctors are baffled by her condition which remains undiagnose and, originally, her mother was told Lizzie would never walk, talk or think like a normal person. She defied all those predictions and is now studying at Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas to be a motivational speaker who inspires people to maintain their confidence despite what life hands them.
Her parents say that when Lizzie was born prematurely, she was so small, they had to dress her in doll clothes. But today, despite her weight and fragile appearance, Lizzie is healthy and strong and does all the things women her age do. She is, however, blind in one eye.
Recently Velasquez wrote a book entitled Lizzie Beautiful and has been on a press tour to promote it and explain her disease. Below is a video featuring Lizzie and her family and friends explaining what it's like to be Lizzie and what it's like to know her.

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